How To Create A Spotify Receipt

In terms of how Spotify can analyze your music habits, there are plenty of options available. The service covers a lot of bases when it comes to experiencing music, from your yearly Wrapped to creating a blended playlist with another user to the recent DJ feature, which lets you experience music in different ways.

Nevertheless, there are times, in which a third party website will come up with a feature that Spotify users will love, such as the music festival poster generator that dominated social media in recent weeks. Among the top features of Receiptify is the ability to track your receipts. There is a site that allows you to create a receipt of your music tastes, regardless of whether you are an Apple Music user or a Spotify user.

What Is A Spotify Receipt

Receiptify takes the information about your music listening habits and generates a graphic which resembles a receipt you might receive after making a purchase. You will be given a list of your top 10 songs, and instead of the amount you paid, it will show you how long the song is instead of the amount you bought.

As you can see, you have the option to choose between using data from the last month, the past six months or all time. As a result, you will be able to track your listening habits over time, see which songs have gained or lost favour over the years, and which have stayed the same over the years.

How To Make A Spotify Receipt

The Receiptify application is very easy to use, and you can either download it as an app or open it in your web browser for use. As a first step, you will have to sign into your Spotify, Apple Music, or account and give it permission to use your data. Once you’ve selected your time frame, you’ll be able to generate your receipt by selecting your preferred time frame. In addition to having your name printed on your receipt, you will be able to use it for sharing and comparing on social media or in a group chat.

Other Spotify Add-Ons To Try

There are also other Spotify add-ons which you can try if you want to shake up your music listening experience and learn more about your tastes at the same time. In order to find the most popular playlists based on key terms, you can use the Playlist Miner application. With the Set Listener, you can build playlists based on the artists who have played at your concerts and what their music has been like.

Using Spotivolve, you will be able to find out how certain factors in your listening habits have changed during the course of time. Alternatively, if you want to be judged by your music taste, Obscurify can help you to figure out how mainstream your taste in music is. There is likely to be a Spotify plugin available for whatever you are looking for, no matter what it is.

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